Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Self Worth in The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Justify Charlie's actions when he told his teacher about his sister being hit. Did he do the right thing?

Charlie did do the right thing by telling his teacher because he knows that the outcome won't be good if his sister's boyfriend's bad behavior continues. He has already witnessed tons of fights within the family, and he doesn't want to fall back into a deep pit of depression.
Bill (Charlie's teacher) explained the importance of what Charlie witnessed in a brief but powerful statement that describes the concept of self worthiness. He says "We accept the love we think we deserve" (39). This is very important, taking into account that his sister didn't do anything when her boyfriend hit her. She just stood still and acted as if nothing had happened. Charlie had wondered why she did that for the longest time, but now he understands. Charlie's sister thought she deserved that treatment from her boyfriend, therefore she didn't react. Some may argue that Charlie only made his sister upset and didn't help.Through his sister's perspective that would make sense, but Charlie's parents were notified (thanks to Bill), and his dad took care of the rest. The conflict was solved, and disaster was avoided.
Charlie did start to question his moral decision, but his dad reassured him, stating that "Not everyone has a sob story, Charlie. Even if they do, it's no excuse" (39). His dad is trying to tell Charlie that there is no reason to keep a problem to yourself; it's better to tell someone and solve it.

The takeaway message from this is that self worthiness is very significant, and that Charlie did in fact do the right thing for his sister.

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