Sunday, December 8, 2013

Literary Circle Reflection

Hello all,

I recently read the first few chapters of the book Animal Farm and analyzed many symbolic pieces in two group discussions. The first discussion wasn't all that bad, because I had gone very deep and understood the book better as a result. However, I didn't stay on one question for long and often had to jump to the next one without really understanding the importance of the first question. That's a major red-flag, not to mention that we didn't have equal participation either. I didn't really have much to say most of the time because I was trying my best to find the deeper meaning within the text. I looked at these weak points and made sure I corrected them for the next discussion.
The second one went a lot smoother. Everyone in the group, myself included, managed to get their thoughts out without getting interrupted because we had an organized way of doing so. We went in a circle instead of speaking out of turn, and that led to equal input. I like how we stayed on one topic for a longer period of time, but I know there is still room for improvement. We can achieve this by making sure everyone has understood and said what they needed to say about the topic and then move on.
One thing that really stood out to me was the effort that my group and I put into these discussions. Everyone is committed to doing better, and that is the key to success.